Payment Information

Registration fee payments are due by January 6, 2025.

We accept check, money order, purchase order (PO) or wire transfer - interagency transaction vouchers (ITV). 

                                                            * * *   Credit cards are not accepted * * *

All payment vouchers must be made payable to " The Office of the Attorney General' and include

  • Invoice/reference number(s)
  • OAG vendor ID number  33023023022018
  • OAG federal ID number 74-6000057
  • Recurring Transaction Index number: 800289
  • Fee Code: 996
  • A copy of the invoice

Mail registration fee payments to:

                     The Office of the Attorney General 
                     Conference Unit, MC 027
                     P.O. Box 12548
                     Austin, Texas 78711-2548

PO's can be emailed to the following link:


Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel for any reason, email your cancellation notification using the following link:
Cancellation requests must be received
by January 6, 2025. If you don’t let us know that you are not coming to the conference, your name will stay on the roster. If you don’t sign in, we will mark you as a no-show, and the no-show policy will apply

Substitution Policy
If you need to send a substitute in your place, email your request using the following link: Please provide your invoice/reference numbers, the name of the person that is taking your place along with their email and phone number. Substitution requests must be received by January 6, 2025. If you don’t let us know that someone else is coming in your place, your name will stay on the roster. If you don’t sign in, we will mark you as a no-show, and the no-show policy will apply. 

No-Show Policy
No-shows, and those that do not email  the conference unit to cancel their registration will be required to pay the full registration fee. If you don’t let us know that you are not coming to the conference, your name will stay on the roster. If you don’t sign in, we will mark you as a no-show, and the no-show policy will apply. Failure to pay the registration fee in this situation may jeopardize your opportunity to attend OAG conferences in the future.

Refund Policy
We will not give refunds to no-shows or those who do not email us at to cancel their registration by January 6, 2025.